Sunday, December 13, 2009

Le Debut!

Here lies the precious memories of nobody.

Someone so sweet, so cute, so lovable.
She is nobody.
The precious memories written so that it can't be forgotten.
All those painful, sorrowful, dreadful and blissful memoirs.

So much for the agony. It's 13th of December.
Tomorrow is 14. The day that I will leave you forever.
I'm writing today since it's the last day of my pain.
Tomorrow, everything will end.
And a new beginning is waiting for me, tomorrow. tomorrow.

Days had passed. Months ended.
No more worries for tomorrow will come.
A start of something!
A spark of life.

Live and don't die.
I must live to keep on learning.
It's not yet my time to sleep.

Tomorrow is just the day that old memories will heal.
Tomorrow is just the day that new memories will form.

"Love more. Hate Less. Ignore Critics. Love Life."

This is a sequel of my other blog:

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