Monday, January 18, 2010

Things I want to Accomplish

I wanted to die. Haha.
But hmm let's forget about dying but think about living. :]]
Here is a list of the Things I want to Accomplish:
  • Finish my course.
  • Find a job outside our country.
  • Be a part of a hotel or cruise line family.
  • Have my own car.
  • Have my own laptop.
  • Have my own Cybershot. :]]
  • Have my big house.
  • Have my own library where I can put the collections I have.
  • Collect the books I love.
  • Have someone who loves me.
  • Live a life that I wanted to live.
  • Be with God always.
Haha. It;s still short.
I don't know yet what I really want. Hihi.


I'm not really using this blog for some reasons.
I'm trying my best to have time to write here.
Of course, I won't close this one because I love my link.
I just use this not so often.
I focus on my my blog about "you".

Anyways, I'm trying my best to write my insights here.

Haha. I just hope I can have as much time as I can.

Saturday, January 2, 2010

Bid This Vacation Goodbye!

Later, I will go to my hometown.
It's the end of my vacation. 0-0
However, I enjoyed it--a lot.
I stayed up so late using the computer.
BTW, I just woke up. Haha.
And I'm using the pc again..for the last time. :|

Anyways, this was not my supposedly post..
It's about my dream and reality..hahaha
I just wanted to write something about my rest days..
Nyah..On Tuesday, I have to start my habit again--studying. :]]
Enough of computers and so on.. :]] Haha.

I pray that God will bless me and help me in school. :]]

God Bless everyone. :]]

author's note:
I won't write about my supposed-to-be-post. :]]

Feels Good?

Taking a walk in the city, I felt the wind whooshing in me.
The heat of the sun feels good with the touch of the cool breeze of the wind.
I decided to take the long walk rather than to take the shortcut.
It was a nice day to walk and think. Haha.
I thank God for the weather and for keeping me safe.
I appreciate easily the things around me.
It makes me happy to feel the wind. :]] Haha.

Is it nonsense?
I hope it is not. :]]
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