Monday, February 1, 2010

From Facebook: February 2, 2010

On this day of your life, Nanette, we believe God wants you to know ... that nothing is exciting if you know what the outcome is going to be.
Message from God
You keep wanting to know how things will play out, keep asking to see the future. God doesn't give anyone the power to know the future, because life becomes maddeningly boring when you know everything upfront. So, instead of struggling, enjoy the uncertainty - to be alive means to not know.

Monday, January 18, 2010

Things I want to Accomplish

I wanted to die. Haha.
But hmm let's forget about dying but think about living. :]]
Here is a list of the Things I want to Accomplish:
  • Finish my course.
  • Find a job outside our country.
  • Be a part of a hotel or cruise line family.
  • Have my own car.
  • Have my own laptop.
  • Have my own Cybershot. :]]
  • Have my big house.
  • Have my own library where I can put the collections I have.
  • Collect the books I love.
  • Have someone who loves me.
  • Live a life that I wanted to live.
  • Be with God always.
Haha. It;s still short.
I don't know yet what I really want. Hihi.


I'm not really using this blog for some reasons.
I'm trying my best to have time to write here.
Of course, I won't close this one because I love my link.
I just use this not so often.
I focus on my my blog about "you".

Anyways, I'm trying my best to write my insights here.

Haha. I just hope I can have as much time as I can.

Saturday, January 2, 2010

Bid This Vacation Goodbye!

Later, I will go to my hometown.
It's the end of my vacation. 0-0
However, I enjoyed it--a lot.
I stayed up so late using the computer.
BTW, I just woke up. Haha.
And I'm using the pc again..for the last time. :|

Anyways, this was not my supposedly post..
It's about my dream and reality..hahaha
I just wanted to write something about my rest days..
Nyah..On Tuesday, I have to start my habit again--studying. :]]
Enough of computers and so on.. :]] Haha.

I pray that God will bless me and help me in school. :]]

God Bless everyone. :]]

author's note:
I won't write about my supposed-to-be-post. :]]

Feels Good?

Taking a walk in the city, I felt the wind whooshing in me.
The heat of the sun feels good with the touch of the cool breeze of the wind.
I decided to take the long walk rather than to take the shortcut.
It was a nice day to walk and think. Haha.
I thank God for the weather and for keeping me safe.
I appreciate easily the things around me.
It makes me happy to feel the wind. :]] Haha.

Is it nonsense?
I hope it is not. :]]

Tuesday, December 29, 2009

"ichigo ichie"

"Treasure every encounter with another person."

Me and my two younger cousins went to a mall in the city.
We were to buy ingredients for fruit cocktail and ice cream cake.
But my cousin decided first to hang-out, so we took a long walk.
I noticed a Japanese restaurant while we were walking.
I stopped for a while and a Japanese phrase caught my eyes:
"Ichigo Ichie"
It means, "Treasure every encounter with another person."
I wanted to save those words in my cellphone but I have no time.
So, I just paused for a while and memorized it.
After that, we moved on.


I guess it caught my eyes because of a reason.

I may not know what the reason is but somehow, I realized that I should treasure every person in me.
I was reminded that life's too short.
I have to keep on making memories and appreciating every one near me.
It was a nice day to smile.
So, I say: Smile!

nichi nichi kore kōnichi

"Every day is a good day"

How I wish that every day of my life is a good day.
It "was" good before but now...*sigh*
Well, it just goes with this:
"Often, we get impatient and take things into our own hands but God said, "Be quiet. Trust me.
I know your needs better than you do. Just wait and give me chance to work for it."
I've been too stupid that I do things by myself.
Even if I know that everything's useless without God, I still insist.
I'm such a fool.
And now, I'm really tired.
I know God loves me.
I know He works in me.
I just need God to make me realize that.
I need God to give me more trust in Him.
I can't do it alone.

Here I go again.

I missed this part of me.
I closed everything ever since that day.
And now, I'm slowly opening it again.
I hope I'll stay the same.
I hope God will always give me strength and courage to live.
I hope I'll be okay.
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